ADPEE Training

The italian Training Course ‘Patient Engagement in Research and Development of Innovative Therapies’ is a high-level training through which participants will be prepared to dialogue and actively collaborate with institutions, research organisations and pharmaceutical companies, to develop research protocols for new and effective therapies.

Scientific Director: Paola Kruger

Scientific Tutors: Stefano Gambardella and Tiziana Scanu

Technical Tutor: Fabio Bongirolami

To provide patients and their representatives with in-depth knowledge of the Drug Development and Research process.
To enable patients to become a competent and authoritative interlocutor to provide advice to pharmaceutical companies, authorities and in ethics committees, ensuring a fruitful partnership between patients and all stakeholders in drug research and development
Helping EUPATI Patient Experts to transmit knowledge on drug R&D within their organisations

For more information contact us at [email protected]