How did the EUPATI Expert Patient Course come about in Italy?
After the birth of EUPATI Europe in 2012, the project lands in Italy in 2018, thanks to the initiative of AdPEE, the EUPATI Expert Patient Academy, which first translated the course from English to Italian.
A 10-month, 160-hour remote training course, plus 6 meetings with highly qualified speakers.
The EUPATI Expert Patient Course, entitled “Patient Engagement in Research and Development of Innovative Therapies”, is realised with the support of AIFA, under the patronage of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and with the unconditional contribution of major pharmaceutical companies.
Following the memorandum of understanding signed between AIFA and ADPEE, a task force of experts was made available to review and update the educational material.
In addition, several speakers (also from AIFA) participate in the face-to-face meetings at the end of each learning module, giving learners the opportunity to further explore the topics studied.
EUPATI in Italy
In 2013, the Italian task force of the EUPATI project was established (Italian National Liaison Team IT-NLT), which has the task of expanding the EUPATI network, increasingly spreading its knowledge at national level.
Then, in 2014, the Italian Scientific Board was set up, an advisory body that has the task of identifying and screening national initiatives to be carried out in support of the EUPATI training project.
In perfect harmony with EUPATI’s philosophy on the plurality of stakeholders involved in the project, the following are part of the Scientific Board AIFA, Ministry of Health, Istituto Superiore di Sanità-CNMR, Farmindustria, Ispor (International Society For Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research), Clinical Trial Center Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore, Irccs Mario Negri, Federfarma, Assogenerici, Aicro (Italian Association of Contract Research Organisations), Federanziani and APMAR (Associazione Persone con Malattie Reumatiche) Federsanità Anci, EpaC Onlus (Associazione Epatite C), UNAMSI (Unione Nazionale Medico Scientifica di Informazione), OMaR (Osservatorio Malattie Rare) and SIFO (Società Italiana Farmacia Ospedaliera).
Finally, the Italian EUPATI National Platform was launched in April 2015, bringing together several national stakeholder groups including patients, academics, researchers, industry representatives, health professionals, government institutions, regulatory bodies and media.
Chi sono i Partecipanti?
Patients, Caregivers and representatives of Patients’ Associations from different Italian regions
Course features
The course is totally free of charge for Patients, Caregivers and Patient Association Representatives
Participation is limited, after filling in an admission questionnaire and a possible interview.
Compulsory attendance is required (minimum 80% attendance).
At the end of each of the 6 training modules, each trainee will have to take an examination with multiple-choice quizzes.
At the end of the Course, a Certificate of Participation will be issued and the Course is recognised as a second-level Master’s degree.
Consiglio Direttivo
President Nicola Merlin